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Thursday 16 July 2009

Paul Neave

  • // Who are you?

    Hello. My name is Paul Neave. I am a typical male person with hair and skin and a face and lots of flappy bits. Yes we all have flappy bits. No use in denying it. I am British and live in London, in England, in the greatest of all Britains, Great Britain.

  • // What do you do?

    My interests are wide and varied, including cheese, monkeys, armpits, twigs, fallen masonry, high waistbands, whoops-a-daisy, high jinx and tomfoolery. Yay for tomfoolery.

    I am also an interactive designer. That's a fancy way of saying I make interactive tools and toys, everything from games to applications, from experimental interactive art to intuitive user interfaces. I love trying to dissolve the boundaries between code and design and exploring ways of making technology seem less scary and geeky but more fun and human.

    I've been using Flash for over 10 years both with Neave.com and for design agencies in Manchester and London, and have been making computers do silly things for even longer.

  • // What is Neave.com about?

    Neave.com is my personal interactive playground; a place where I can explore my ideas and try out risky experiments that I wouldn't normally get the opportunity to make anywhere else. I often spend my days pointing and gazing in wonder at the world around me, and Neave.com allows me to turn my daydreams into reality.

  • www.neave.com

    Brilliant web site, Hours of fun.

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